Happy Thankgsgiving!
Here are some games you can play with the whole family this weekend:
Game 1:
Arrange the children/players in a circle. Pass a "thankerchief" (handkerchief) around the circle, as everyone recites this poem:
"Thankerchief, thankerchief, around you go --
Where you'll stop, nobody knows.
But when you do, someone must say,
What they are thankful for this day."
The player holding the "thankerchief" when the poem ends, must say aloud, one thing for which they are thankful. This continues until everyone has had their turn.
Game 2:
"Bird, Beast, or Fish"
You have to think fast for this game. Everyone sits facing the leader. The leader points to one of the players and says either "BIRD," "BEAST," or "FISH." The chosen player must come up with the name of an animal that fits the category before the leader counts to ten. No repeating! If the player does not respond in time, she is out. The game continues until only one player remains. As you can guess, after a few rounds it can be hard to think of an animal that has not already been mentioned!
Game 3:
"Pumpkin Race"
A Traditional county fair game that can be played in a yard, garage or even inside!
This is a simple race but since pumpkins are not nice smooth balls and refuse to roll in nice straight lines, you will need plenty of room! You need two large pumpkins and two sturdy sticks. The racers, line up on the starting line with the pumpkins turned on their sides. On the signal, the racers use their sticks to roll the pumpkins to the finish line. Younger players may want to use their hands instead of the stick. If you want to play this as teams, make it a relay race.
Game 4:
"Cornucopia Confusion"
all of the players will sit on chairs forming a circle. There should be one more player than there are chairs. The player without a chair is the leader. The leader points to each of the players naming them as she points with cornucopia names such as "Cranberry, Corn, Apple, Turkey," anything related to Thanksgiving.
After names are chosen, the leader calls out two names, for instance...
"Turkey and potato!". When she calls the names , those two players must quickly switch places.
The leader keeps calling at a quick pace, until suddenly she says "The cornucopia has tipped over!" Everyone, including the leader, then scrambles for a new place. The player with out a seat, becomes the new leader. The leader may give the same name to more than one person. This game can be confusing at first, but it is also very fun!
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