The Millar Team wishes everyone a safe and happy Halloween! Here are some things to think about before going to trick or treat:
-Discuss appropriate and inappropriate behavior at Halloween time.
-Plan and review with older children the trick-or-treating route they will take.
-Make sure a parent or responsible adult accompanies younger children on all their neighborhood rounds.
-If your children are older and going unaccompanied or with another parent, agree on a specific time when revelers must return home.
-You or another adult should make sure to be easily reachable while the kids are out trick-or-treating.
-Give older kids change--or a cell phone--in case they need to contact you.
-Instruct children to call 911 (or the local emergency phone number) in case of an emergency. Make sure they know that phones don't require money to dial 911.
-Instruct children to notify an adult or law-enforcement authorities immediately if they see any suspicious or unlawful activity.
-On streets with no sidewalks, have trick-or-treaters walk at the farthest edge (the left side) of the roadway, facing traffic.
-Instruct children to always stay together in a group and communicate with each other about where they're going next.
-No child should ever go trick-or-treating alone.
-Insist children remain on well-lit streets, only approach houses with outside lights on, and never enter a stranger's home or car to collect a treat.
And parents, if you are driving tonight, be careful and watch for children!