Look what Google came up with! It's amazing but do not do this while driving!!!
1-800-goog411 or 1-800-466-4411.
How does it work? Simply call the above number when you need to be connected to a restaurant or want to order a pizza but you can't remember the phone number. If you know the name of the company or the type of service you require then it will connect you. It is exactly the same as 411 but there is no fee charged to you! From your home phone you will be automatically connected to the company you have asked for. From your cell phone you will be connected but you will also be texted the phone number for later use. It's terrific!
This is nationwide, Canada & US, and it is absolutely free! Works on cell and landline phones, all you have to remember is 1-800-466-4411. Give it a try.
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