The Karen Millar Team
The Shops at Don Mills
8 Sampson Mews #201
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 Join thousands of others this New Year’s Eve at Nathan Phillips Square. Citytv presents this free, annual outdoor concert and New Year’s Eve event, with some of Canada’s top Canadian musical talent and midnight fireworks. There is free ice skating and buy a hot chocolate rink side to keep warm! Enjoy! Karen
 Spend the last hours of 2010 being entertained by hilarious Canadian comedians and sketch artists. With this year marking the 10th anniversary of the New Year's Eve Comedy Extravaganza, there are multiple reasons to both laugh and celebrate. Since stand-up comedian and founder of Yuk Yuk’s Mark Breslin started this Massey Hall tradition, the popular show has featured comedians like Nikki Payne, Terry Clement and Jay Martin. Prices range from: $39.50 - $59.50 Enjoy! Karen
 The Toronto Zoo's New Year's Eve countdown features lots of music, entertainment, animal friends and more. The festivities begin at 6 p.m. and the kids' countdown is at 9 p.m. Family-friendly fun includes a tribute to (who else?) Justin Bieber, Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs and a magic show. Africa Restaurant and Peacock Cafe will be open, as well as a kiosk selling seasonal treats like Beavertails, and Mike's Dog House hot dog stand. The Indian Rhino, Indo-Malaya and African Rainforest Pavilions will also stay open for New Year's Eve until 8:20 p.m. Please note: this is an outdoor, ticketed event. Space is limited, so purchasing tickets in advance is recommended. Prices range from $15; $10 for children and seniors; free for infants under 3 Enjoy! Karen
 We wish you a very merry holiday season and a happy new year! Karen, Ian, Jamie, Jeff, Katrina and Dana
 This is fun for the whole family. Watch Disney on Ice: Minnie and Mickey's Magical Journey at the Rogers Centre. Prices range from : $21.50 - $101.25. Enjoy! Karen
 Children aged two to six get face to face time with Santa for half an hour, in which they'll be entertained by the big man and his elves, with storytelling, dancing and singing. At the end of each session parents are invited to take their own photos. All proceeds from the event go towards the charity Sleeping Children Around the World. Note: Register and purchase tickets in advance at the holiday information booth at Sherway Square (in the mall). The fee is $5. Enjoy! Karen
 Can you believe it! Santa’s reindeer will be making an exclusive appearance at Shops at Don Mills! Come out and see a few of these magical creatures before they fly back to work. Plus Santa will be strolling around the Shops at Don Mills as well! Saturday December 18 and Sunday December 19 from 12 noon until 4pm. Enjoy! Karen
 The quintessential Christmas story, and Charles Dickens' morality tale, A Christmas Carol features an old, bitter miser, Ebenezer Scrooge, who has devoted his life to the accumulation of wealth (rather than friends and goodwill). The show is on now until Dec. 30. Prices range from $29 - $70 at the Young Centre for Performing Arts.Enjoy! Karen
Get out side and enjoy the winter weather! This beautil conservation area offers walks along scenic trails and see displays of Christmas lights. Free! Fridays and Saturdays! Where: Kortright Centre For Conservation, Pine Valley and Major Mackenzie (Kleinburg), Toronto, 905-832-2289, kortright.org Enjoy! Karen
 Just in time for Christmas! The Nutcracker makes its return to the stage with the National Ballet of Canada at the Four Seasons. Set in Imperial Russia, this timeless story follows two young sisters on Christmas Eve as one of their gifts comes to life and takes them on a magical journey. Price range from $49.46 - $130.26. Enjoy! Karen
 This is holiday spirit at its best! With the lovely winter weather we are having, why not enjoy a leisurely horse drawn wagon ride throughout the festive streets of Shops at Don Mills! The kids will love it! * Wagon rides are available on a first come first service basis Saturday Dec 11 and Sunday December 12 from 12 noon until 4pm. I hear that Santa will also be strolling around the Shops at Don Mills as well! Enjoy! Karen
 Enjoy! Karen
 I used to take the kids to this rink at Christmas time. The setting is gorgeous and the hot chocolate is even better! This is a great rink that offers public skating, it hosts a variety of our fall and winter programming including Learn to Skate, HarbourKIDS: SK8 and DJ Skate Nights. For more information, visit their website: Harbourfront Skating RinkEnjoy! Karen
 Safely observe the sun with specially filtered telescopes. Learn about our nearest star and try your eye at spotting exotic surface features, including sunspots, spicules, and prominences. This program is offered by members of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. * Weather permitting * When? Saturday December 4 from 10 am-noon. Fee? Free. Where? Ontario Science Centre 770 Don Mills, TELUSCAPE in front of main entrance. For more information call: 416-696-1000. Enjoy! Karen
 Enjoy this European-style market with entertainment, gifts, food, musical entertainment, holiday-themed workshops, a ferris wheel, Santa, a street market and more. When? Dec 3 to 12, noon until 8pm. Fee? Free. Where? Distillery District, 55 Mill Street For more information visit: torontochristmasmarket.comEnjoy! Karen
 This is my favorite show and I will be there when the doors open! There will be crafts, food, fashion shows, jewlery, hands-on workshops and much much more! This is a must see! When? Nov 25 To Dec 5, weekdays and Sat 10 am-9 pm, Sun 10 am-6 pm. Fee? Adults $10, student/seniors $6.50, children free. Where? Direct Energy Centre, Exhibition Place, For more information visit oneofakindshow.com. Enjoy! Karen
 Come out and enjoy the Shops at Don Mills’ second annual Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony! There will be exciting activities and attractions for the whole family including a special performance by the Toronto Welsh Male Voice Choir and Santa Claus himself will also be dropping by with treats and a few of his reindeer! When? Friday November 26 at 710pm Where? The Shops at Don MillsEnjoy! Karen
 Now, making your own baby food may appear to be easy but it is not as simple as you think. Why not take this handy workshop and learn how to make nutricious food for your baby? The Workshop begins at 10 am and the fee is $12. Where? Kids at Home, 2086 Queen E, 416-698-9726. Enjoy! Karen
 Bring 2 strings of your old incandescent festive lights and receive 1 string of energy efficient LED lights in exchange FREE from Toronto Hydro! When? Saturday November 20 from 2-4pm Where? Sloane Public School (110 Sloane Avenue, Toronto) For more information contact David Caplan's office, MPP Don Valley East, 416-494-6856 Enjoy! Karen
 Santa Claus is coming to town! Visit Santa's website to view the parade route. The parade starts at 12:45 on Sunday November 21. Why not get there for the FREE Santa Claus Parade Breakfast at Yonge and Dundas Square from President's Choice. The breakfast starts at 9AM and goes until 11AM. They will have a FREE breakfast provided by President's Choice, FREE coffee and chocolate milk provided by McDonald's as well as entertainment including balloonists, magicians and jugglers, face painting, music and contests! Bring a toy to donate too! Fun for the whole family! Enjoy! Karen
 With the holiday season fast approaching, I thought it would be a great idea for everyone to take a CPR and or First Aid Class. Yes, these classes are a little on the expensive side but you can't put a price on a life! Visit the CPR courses and find out today how you can save a life. Or call 416.960.5319 Be safe! Karen
 It is always important to have a plan. Why not see what your money can do for you so that you are protected down the line. Call Debbie Mendelson from Trapezcapital 416-915-3252 or email her at dmendelson@trapezecapital.com. Enjoy! Karen
 IN FLANDERS FIELDS POEM By Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place: and in the sky The larks still bravely singing fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the dead: Short days ago, We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved: and now we lie In Flanders fields! Take up our quarrel with the foe To you, from failing hands, we throw The torch: be yours to hold it high If ye break faith with us who die, We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields Composed at the battlefront on May 3, 1915 during the second battle of Ypres, Belgium Lets take a moment of silence today at 11am and think about all of those people who protected our country then and who are protecting our country now. Let us remember. Karen
 Free lecture 7pm-8:30 pm. at the Big Carrot, 348 Danforth, 416-466-2129. Join Drs. Angela Warburton,TCM, & Mahalia Freed, ND, to learn how to manage & minimize arthritis, osteoporosis, & other structural concerns. Get the facts on foods & nutrients to support healthy joints & strong bones. Learn about posture, exercise & diet to build strong bones, & decrease inflammation & pain. Leave with a handout packed with nutrition & lifestyle tips you can implement every day, for healthier bones & joints. www.lifecycleswellness.com www.dandelionnaturopathic.caEnjoy! Karen
 You've heard of Beauty and the Beast, now get ready for Beauty and the Feast. That's the name Don Mills' Better Living Charitable Foundation is giving its fall fashion show fundraiser. The lunch will raise money for 22 urgently needed hospital beds for Thompson House, a 136-bed long term care home, and for wellness programs for seniors. "Unleash your inner fashionista and make a positive difference in the lives of older adults," organizers are urging. The event will feature CTV news team hosts Pauline Chan, Bill Hutchison and Joe Tilley hitting the runway in style and showcasing the latest in fall and winter fashions from designers Spanner, Olsen Europe, Eddie Bauer and Barbuti. So, treat yourself to a delicious lunch created by some of Toronto's finest chefs and get inspired for your holiday shopping. The event will be held Tuesday Nov. 9 from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Spirale Banquet Hall and Convention Centre at 888 Don Mills Rd. north of Eglinton Avenue. To purchase tickets, which cost $55 to $65, contact Patricia Wilson at 416-447-7244, ext. 631 or email pwilson@betterlivinghealth.org I will be there and hope to see you! Karen
 Ladies, this is for you! The National Women's Show has food and wine sampling, fashion shows, celebrity guests, makeovers and free samples (while quatities last) and more. When? Nov 5 noon-9 pm; Nov 6, 10 am-6 pm; Nov 7, 10 am-5 pm. Fee? $14 and children are free. Where? Metro Convention Centre, 222 Bremner Blvd. (south building) For more information visit: The National Women's ShowEnjoy! Karen
 Come out and enjoy this great family affair! The Royal Fair has a petting zoo, super dogs, horse show, food and celebrity chefs! This is fun for the whole family. When? November 5-14 Where? The Direct Energy Centre, Exhibition Place, 100 Princes' Blvd. Fee? Adult (18-59) is $20, Children/Youth (5-17) is $16, Seniors (60+) is $16 and Children 4 and under are free. Family Pass – any combination of four adults & children (1 child min) is $46. Make a day of it and have fun! Enjoy! Karen
 Fall is in full swing! Join Crisca on Sunday November 14th 2010 from 10am to 6pm! Where? 8A AgiieE Hogg Gardens (across from the Clock Tower) at the Shops at Don MillsPlease join them to celebrate their anniversary as they have now been at the Shops at Don Mills for 1 year! You will receive 20% off all regular priced merchandise plus an additional 25% off all sale merchandise! For one day only!!! And also look out for: - a mini make over to compliment your new fall wardrobe - From 1pm to 4pm gift bags will be given to the first 50 customers - Enter to win one of two $50.00 Crisca Gift Certificates before 12:00pm *some restrictions may apply. Please RSVP by November 10th 2010 416-331-8199 Friends and Family welcomed! Enjoy! Karen
 The Millar Team wishes everyone a safe and happy Halloween! Here are some things to think about before going to trick or treat: -Discuss appropriate and inappropriate behavior at Halloween time. -Plan and review with older children the trick-or-treating route they will take. -Make sure a parent or responsible adult accompanies younger children on all their neighborhood rounds. -If your children are older and going unaccompanied or with another parent, agree on a specific time when revelers must return home. -You or another adult should make sure to be easily reachable while the kids are out trick-or-treating. -Give older kids change--or a cell phone--in case they need to contact you. -Instruct children to call 911 (or the local emergency phone number) in case of an emergency. Make sure they know that phones don't require money to dial 911. -Instruct children to notify an adult or law-enforcement authorities immediately if they see any suspicious or unlawful activity. -On streets with no sidewalks, have trick-or-treaters walk at the farthest edge (the left side) of the roadway, facing traffic. -Instruct children to always stay together in a group and communicate with each other about where they're going next. -No child should ever go trick-or-treating alone. -Insist children remain on well-lit streets, only approach houses with outside lights on, and never enter a stranger's home or car to collect a treat. And parents, if you are driving tonight, be careful and watch for children! Enjoy! Karen
Loves to Bake is a local company in Don Mills that makes scrumptious baked goods for all occasions! If you don't have a sweet tooth, try the fruit arrangements!   Visit Loves to Bake website or call Cynthia at 416-553-8398 Enjoy! Karen
 I heard about this on the news. Spa's and the like in the Yorkville-Bloor area are offering major discounts on their services. Check out their website for more information: Beautylicious This is something that doesn't happen often. Why not treat yourself! Enjoy! Karen
 We are going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo..how about You? You? You? When my my children were young, we always went to the Zoo and made a day of it. We packed a picnic! Fall is the best time to visit the Zoo because the gorgeous weather! This weekend and next weekend the Zoo will have storytelling, a harvest stage, critters and costumes parade, hay maze, meet and greet the animals and more! When? Oct 23 to 31, 10 am-5 pm. Fee? Free with admission Where? Toronto Zoo (Meadowvale North of 401) For more information visit The Zoo or call: 416-392-5929 Enjoy! Karen
 This is a fantastic moving company! The Red Coats Moving Solutions specializes in decluttering, staging your home and moving and settling you comfortably in your new residence. We have used them many times for our clients and we strongly recommend their company. For more information visit the Red Coats website or call: 416-920-1317. Enjoy! Karen
 Ever wonder whats Organic About "Organic"? Now you can get all the answers from the film screening and talk at The Big Carrot (348 Danforth) Thursday October 14 from 7-8:30 pm. Free! Call for more information: 416-466-2129 or visit The Big Carrot. Enjoy! Karen
 I have never seen one in action but have heard great things. The Amazing Kreskin The mentalist performs Oct 13 and Oct 14 at 8 pm for $39.50. The performance will take place at the Glenn Gould Studio 250 Front West, Toronto. For more information visit: roythomson.com. Enjoy! Karen
Here are some things that you can do around the city this long weekend: Oct. 8-11: International Home Show with model rooms, a green pavilion, reno tips, cooking demos and more. Fee: $14 or student/seniors $10 and children free. International Centre, internationalhomeshow.ca.
Oct 9-10 Harbourkids: Sunprinting workshops, storytelling, seed games and more. Free. Harbourfront Centre
Oct. 9-11: Fall Colours Guided fall colour walks, birds of prey demos, kids' activities and more. Free with admission to the Harbourfront Centre, harbourfrontcentre.com.
Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving! Karen PS-Please give to the foodbank if possible!
 Get out of the house and do something different! Shake it up a little! Why not take this Toronto Camera Club seminar? When? Octber 7 at 8 pm Fee? $10. Where? 587 Mt Pleasant For more information visit: torontocameraclub.comEnjoy! Karen
 This sounds like a lot of fun! Chilean Wine And Food Festival Wine sampling, food tasting, music and cultural event. When? Octocer 5, 6pm to 9:30 pm. Fee? $65 Where? Royal Ontario Museum, Peter F Bronfman Hall, 100 Queen's Park For more information visit: winesofchile.orgEnjoy! Karen
 The weather this weekend is supposed to be fabuous! The Children's Trunk Show has children's apparel, art, and accessories as well as housewares, treats for mom, speakers, cooking demos, crafts, kids haircuts and lots of other family fare. Onsite daycare too! Make a day of it. When? Oct 1 and Oct 2 9:30 am-4:30 pm. Fee? $10. A portion goes to SickKids Foundation – Grandmas get in free! Where? Evergreen Brick Works, 550 Bayview Avenue Enjoy! Karen
 Join "Safari Steve" and "Jungle Tim" on an animal encounter. Learn about our very own creatures from slithering snakes, interesting insects, to bearded dragons and tortoises. When? Thurs., Sept. 30, 2:00, Wed., Oct. 13, 1:00, Mon., Oct. 25, 2:00 Fee? Free with admission. Where? Ontario Science Centre 770 Don Mills, 416-696-1000. The Science Centre has many events for children including camps, hands on workshops and sleepovers! Enjoy! Karen