Karen, Ian, Jeff, Katrina, Dana & Jamie
Friday, 30 December 2011
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
GPS Adventure Dec 31-Jan 1
Now I have seen it all! The Ontario Science Centre will have a maze of fun and interactive activities using a GPS to find hidden treasures and puzzle solving to decipher a secret code! For more information call 416-696-1000.
Monday, 26 December 2011
Science on the Go Dec 28-30 & Jan 2-6
We love the Science Centre and there is always something for everyone at every age! Kids eight and up participate on hands-on science experiments and more from Dec 26 to 30 and Jan 2 to 6, 11:30 am. Free with admission at the Ontario Science Centre 770 Don Mills for more information call 416-696-1000.
Friday, 23 December 2011
Merry Christmas! Dec 23
Warm wishes from all of us to you and yours this holiday season!

Karen, Ian, Jamie, Jeff, Katrina & Dana
Karen, Ian, Jamie, Jeff, Katrina & Dana
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Green Christmas! Dec.19
Here are a few tips to consider this holiday season:
1. Lighten your holiday footprint: give an experience gift such as a family membership to the Toronto Zoo, The Ontario Science Centre, The Royal Ontario Musuem or Canada's Wonderland.
2. Wrap wisely: Instead of wrapping paper use a tote bag or wrap a present within a present. You can always use newspaper as well as magazine cut outs. Recycle and save ribbon and bows as well!
3. Serve a green feast: Why not think local and organic? Great shops to consider are Beretta Organic Farms, The Healthy Butcher, Rowe Farms and Close to the Bone.
Monday, 19 December 2011
Christmas Treats Walk at the Zoo Dec 26
Looking to get outside with the kiddies after eating treats at home during the holiday season? Why not go to the Metro Toronto Zoo and feed the animals seasonal treats on a Tundra walk! Great fun for the whole family! December 26 at 10 am. Half-price admission! Toronto Zoo Meadowvale (north of 401). For more information call 416-392-5929.
Friday, 16 December 2011
Winter Festival Dec 17
This is a great opportunity to get fresh air and excercise! The Evergreen Brick Works skating rink is open from 12 noon to 6pm. This year they also have a youth learn to skate program! Please Note that the ice rink is open weather permitting. Call ahead at 416-596-7670 on the day of your visit for the latest information if you are unsure. All children under 12 must be supervised, skaters 6 years old or younger must wear a CSA approved helmet and hockey sticks, pucks, pets, strollers or push carts are not permitted on the ice.
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
Readings with Santa Dec 24
Need some down time with the family? How about taking the kids to the Toronto Eaton Centre to hear Santa read classic holiday stories. Saturday at 9 am. The Admission is free but RSVP is required. For more information call the Eaton Centre, 250 Yonge, Toronto, 416-598-8560. Save on parking and take the subway!
Monday, 12 December 2011
Toronto Christmas Market Dec 12-18
Come out with the whole family and visit the Toronto Distillery District! The Toronto Christmas Market will feature traditional a European Christmas market with beer and wine gardens, a reindeer petting zoo, workshops and more. Live music from 7 pm.
Friday, 9 December 2011
12 Days of Christmas Dec 11
How about a little music to get you into the holiday spirit? The whole family can sing along to the tunes they know so well! with the help of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Join them in the lobby at intermission for free art activities with the Avenue Road Arts School! This concert is recommended for children ages 5-12.We regret we cannot allow children under 2 years of age into any TSO concert. The concert will take place at Roy Thompson Hall December 11 at 3pm.
Wednesday, 7 December 2011
Candy Making Dec.10!
Spend some quality time with your little ones by making tasty holiday treats destined to become family favourites. Participants will create a variety of no-bake sweets and treats that can easily be recreated in your own kitchen! Sweet tooth not required – but it comes in handy! This one-day workshop t Harbourfront Centre is suitable for children ages five and up accompanied by a parent or caregiver.
$60 ($52.20 + 13% HST) for one adult + child
$15 each additional child
Materials included
Saturday December 10 10am – 12pm. Please register before attending.
Monday, 5 December 2011
Jingle Bell Time at Don Mills Library Dec. 10
This will be great fun for the whole family and its free! The fun begins at 11am and you can follow along in a holiday sing-a-long with Karen Gray. All ages are welcome. This event takes place at the Don Mills Library at 888 Lawrence Avenue East. For more information contact 416-395-5710.
Friday, 2 December 2011
Readings with Santa Dec.6
This is a great opportunity to get out to the Eaton Centre, do a little holiday shopping and the kids can have fun too! Santa Kids can gather to hear Santa read classic holiday stories. Saturdays and Sundays 9 am. Nov 20 to Dec 24. Free (RSVP required). Eaton Centre, 250 Yonge. For more information call 416-598-8560.
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
One of a Kind Christmas Show & Sale until Dec 4!
I have already been to the One of a Kind show this year and I highly recommend it! Get all of your holiday shopping done under one roof! Ccothing, accessories, furniture, crafts, toys, gifts and more plus hands-on workshops. Weekdays and Sat 10 am-9 pm, Sun 10 am-6 pm. now until Dec 4. $12, studenrs/seniors $7. Direct Energy Centre, Exhibition Place. For more information visit: oneofakindshow.com.
Monday, 28 November 2011
Sweet Talk Dec 1
This is a great opportunity to meet new people and talk about food! Sweet Talk is a recipe sharing event for people age 50 and up. It starts at 2:15 pm on December 1 at the Central Eglinton Community Centre, 160 Eglinton East. The fee is $5 per person. For more information call 416-392-0511 ext 0.
Friday, 25 November 2011
Photorama Dec 2-10!
View andéor purchase wonderful and unique photography to spruce up your home! Photorama 2011 (Gallery TPW) Fundraising exhibition and sale of photography and lens-based art by more than 70 artists! From December 2 to 10. Admittance is FREE but the collector's preview (Dec 1) is $75. Gallery TPW 56 Ossington. For more information call 416-645-1066.
I would love to see what you purchase!
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Shops at Don Mills Holiday Tree Lighting!
This year marks Shops at Don Mills’ third annual Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony!
Join us in the Town Square as our two beautiful Holiday Trees are lit up.
This celebrated tradition will kick off the spirit of the season with exciting activities and attractions for the whole family.
Monday, 21 November 2011
Kevin O'leary book signing Nov23!
Kevin O'Leary known as the mean Dragon's Den star, signs copies of his book Cold, Hard Truth. He has made lots of good investments in his career and may have some good tips in his new book. You can meet him at 7 pm on November 23 at the Indigo Manulife, 55 Bloor W, chapters.indigo.ca.
Friday, 18 November 2011
Winter woofstock is back Nov 19-20
The whole family, young and old, will love this! Winter Woofstock will have doggie fashion shows, a wiener dog race, schnauzer Santa, vendors and more! This event runs from November 19 to 20 from 10 am-6 pm. The entrance fee is $10 or $8 in advance, seniors are $5 and under 12 years old is free! Check it out at the Direct Energy Centre, Exhibition Place, winterwoofstock.com.
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Mistletoe magic craft show & sale Nov 24!
Come and enjoy this amazing craft show right here in Don Mills! It's our very own One of a Kind Show! The fee is $2 for adults and children get in free! There will be over 25 vendors, a bake sale,raffles, free parking and babysitting services available! Located at the Norman Ingram Public School at 50 Duncairn Road Thursday November 24 from 5-9pm.
Monday, 14 November 2011
Holiday Gift Fair Nov.18
Come one, come all and enjoy a pie-baking contest, book sale, holiday treasures, a silent auction and more. Admission is FREE! The fair will be held at the Central Eglinton Community Centre, 160 Eglinton East. For more information call 416-392-0511 ext 225. The fair begins at 10am and goes until 2pm.
Friday, 11 November 2011
The Babytime show! Nov 11-13
Expecting a baby soon or know someone who is? This is the show for you! The Babytime Show offers parenting seminars, toddler entertainment, baby products and more. One of my favortive sayings from their website is "how can an 8 lbs baby need 800 Lbs of stuff?" So true! The show is on from November 11 to 13, from 10 am-6 pm. The entrance fee is $16, grandparents are $10. The show is being hosted at the Metro Convention Centre, 255 Front W. For more information visit babytimeshows.ca.
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
Remembrance Day Ceremony in Don Mills Nov.11
Shops at Don Mills is honoured to hold a special ceremony to commemorate the sacrifices our soldiers have made, and are making, for peace and security around the globe. Join us in the Town Square as we observe Remembrance Day with our neighbours and customers. The ceremony will begin at 10:30am on November 11.
Lest we not forget.
Monday, 7 November 2011
Creating Christmas decorations! Nov.8
Creating Christmas Decorations Scarborough Garden and Horticultural Soc talk. 7:30 pm. Free. Scarborough Village Community Centre, 3600 Kingston Road. For more information about this event visit gardenontario.org.
Friday, 4 November 2011
Animals that hoot & howl in the night! Nov.5
This is perfect for fall weather. Meet a live owl, visit a bird-banding station and go on a hike looking for night animals. 7 pm. The fee is $12 and then seniors/children are $6. Kortright Centre For Conservation Pine Valley and Major Mackenzie (Kleinburg). For more information, call 905-832-2289 or visit the Kortright Centre.
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
Home lighting for sale! Nov. 2
Two hallway lights, $50 for the pair!
Dining Room Chandelier for $50!
OR you can buy all three for only $75! Please email Katrina at katrina.vedan@gmail.com
Thank you!
Monday, 31 October 2011
Friday, 28 October 2011
The Hurricanes Big Band Nov 5
Buy your tickets now! Travel back to the golden age of big band music with the swingin' Hurricanes Big Band our very own local Don Mills band!
Enjoy this fabulous entertainment on Saturday, November 5, 2011 at 7:30 p.m., at the Donway Covenant United Church, 230 The Donway West (Lawrence Ave. and Don Mills Road), Don Mills.
Tickets are $20 each, students with ID and children 12 years and under are $12. Tickets are available through the church office at 416-444-8444 or at the door the night of the concert.
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
Boo at the Zoo Oct 29 & 30
This will be great fun for the whole family and the word is that children that are dressed in a costume get in free! There will be a pumpkin trail walk, Arctic wolves, singing, costumes and more celebrate Halloween. October 29 & 30 there will be a Tundra Trek from 10am-4pm as well as a Critters & Costumes parade from noon until 2 pm. Toronto Zoo Meadowvale N of 401. For more information contact 416-392-5929. For older children check out the Halloween Howl at the Zoo!
Happy Halloween!
Monday, 24 October 2011
Halloween Sleepover at the Science Centre! Oct 29
Attention young science lovers! Dr Frank & Mr Stein's Odd-itorium Show, a putrid pumpkin science patch, chemistry cauldron and more for kids of all ages. $59. Ontario Science Centre 770 Don Mills, 416-696-1000.
Friday, 21 October 2011
Kenmore pedestal drawers for sale!
Retail value of $199 each plus tax. $200 for the pair or best offer! Your washer & dryer sit on top of the pedestals and you can store laundry detergent, an iron and much more in therse great storage savers. These were purchased last year and were used for a Kenmore Elite Smartheat Quietpak 4. Contact Jeff from the Millar team at jeff@karenmillar.com.
Thank you!
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Delicious Food Show Event Oct.21-23!
Anyone who knows the Millar Team knows that we LOVE food and this looks like an amazing food show event! There will be celebrity chefs including Lynn Crawford and David Rocco, presentations on tea and coffee, a local farmers' market and more. The event is on from Oct. 21 to 22, 10 am-8 pm and Oc.t 23, 10 am-6 pm. Tickets are $20 or buy online for $18, tickets for students and seniors are $15, under 12 are free. The show takes place at the Better Living Centre, Exhibition Place and for more information visit deliciousfoodshow.com.
Monday, 17 October 2011
Millar Team Food Drive & Pumpkin Patch Oct. 20 3-6pm
It's that time of year again and we invite you to come out for a BBQ, delicious treats and to take home a pumpkin of your choice! All we ask is that you please donate a non-perishable item so that we can donate the food to the Food Bank! There will be games galore! Great fun for the whole family! Rain or shine, this event will take place on Thursday October 20 from 3pm to 6pm or until we have given away all the pumpkins! The pumpkin patch will be located at the 200 Three Valleys Drive (in the cul-de-sac at the end of Three Valleys Drive).
I hope to see you there!
Friday, 14 October 2011
Block Party at the Shops at Don Mills!
The Shops at Don Mills are celebrating the Fall Season! They have organized an outdoor Block Party with all kinds of fun for everyone including entertainment, promotions, giveaways and more! Retailers will be offering savings for this one days holiday event. To find out which retailers click on Shops at Don Mills. This party starts on October 15 from11am to 4pm. Don't miss out!
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
Ski & snowboard show!
The Ski & Snowboard Travel Show is here! Enjoy demos, an indoor snowpark, entertainment and more. October 13, from 3pm to 10 pm; Oct 14 noon-10 pm; Oct 15, 10 am-9 pm; Oct 16, 10 am-6 pm. The fee is $18, students/seniors $13, under 6 free. Better Living Centre, Exhibition Place. For more information visit torontoskishow.com.
Sunday, 9 October 2011
Friday, 7 October 2011
New condo phase at the Shops at Don Mills
Introducing Flaire Condo's at the Shops at Don Mills! They have one bedroom units, 1+1 units and 2 bedroom units. The price starts at $292,900 and goes to $478,900 (approximately $1000 - $1500 per floor). The building offers a state-of-the-art fitness centre, Miami inspired alfresco Rooftop Lounge atop the intimate podium with flawless landscape, complimentary pet spa and more. The units have been professionally designed by acclaimed Munge Leung Design Associates featuring stainless steel appliances, stone countertops, 9 foot ceilings, European-inspired custom kitchens and more! Please call me if you would like to look at floor plans and would like to review a Flaire package.
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
Toronto Chocolate Festival
Attention all choc-aholics! The Toronto Chocolate Festival is a city wide event that was successfully launched in 2006. Chocolate is featured in all its magnificent and tasty forms. Delicious and simply decadent chocolate events! Visit torontochocolatefestival.com for more information. The festival is on now until October 23, 2011.
Monday, 3 October 2011
Healthy Caregiving Oct. 4
This is a super idea and its free! Workshops for family caregivers of aging relatives with sessions on expressive arts, gentle exercise, stress management and more. Tuesdays 1:30 pm. at the Victoria Village Hub, 1570 Victoria Park. For more information contact: 416-595-9618.
Friday, 30 September 2011
Community Environment Day Oct 1
Reuse, Reduce and Safely Dispose! Please take part in Ward 25 (Don Valley West) Community Environment Day! Bring in your unused and unwanted household items in order to perhaps pass it on to someone else which will reduce the amount of waste going to landfills. You may drop your items off on October 1 at York Mills Collegiate Instutite (490 York Mills Rd in the east parking lot) from 10am-2pm.
If you have any questions, please contact Councillor Jaye Robinson 416-395-6408 ot via email councillor_robinson@toronto.ca
Thank you!
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
North Scarborough Green Festival Oct 1
This will be fun for the whole family and a learning experience! There will be eco displays, recycling and composting info, a garage sale, kids' activities and more. October 1 from 10 am-2 pm and it's Free! The event will be held at Dr Norman Bethune Collegiate, 200 Fundy Bay. For more information contact: 416-396-8200.
Monday, 26 September 2011
Canada's got talent! Sept 27
You may be the next winner on Canada's Got Talent! The show auditions for jugglers, acrobats, contortionists, magicians, dance crews, singers and musicians. Sep 27 to 30. Free at the Rogers Centre 1 Blue Jays Way, canadasgottalent.com.
Good luck!
Friday, 23 September 2011
Better Living Community Centre
This is a great community centre in Don Mills. Located at 1 Overland Drive, this centre offers fall programs that include fitness, travel, art and computer training! They also have special events from time to time. You can view their program guide at www.betterlivinghealth.org or go check out the community centre and pick up one of their programs. Memberships are only $30 per year!
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
Are you ready to downsize? Sept 23
Join Joanne Mondelli from Top Drawer Move & Transportation Planners for a brief presentation for individuals that are considering downsizing their homes. Topics will include figuring out if you are ready to downsize, the benefits and challenges of downsizing and helpful tips onhow to do so. This event will take place Sept. 23 at the Don Mills Library at 2pm.
We have never used this company however we think it is worth checking out! They specialize in helping seniors and their families.
Monday, 19 September 2011
Corn & Weiner Roast! Sept 22
This is a great neighbourhood event where you have a chance to meet your neighbours and eat a great meal! For only $7 you will be given a hot dog, cob of corn, donut and a beveridge. The event takes place Sept. 22 from 5:30-7pm at St. Marks Presbyterian Church (1 Greenland Rd).
Friday, 16 September 2011
Terry Fox Run Sept 18
Join runners, walkers, bikes, wheelchairs and others in support of cancer research! Routes from 2-10K. Registration 8:15 am then the run/walk/ride begins at 9 am. Meet at the Woodbine Bathing Change House, South of Lake Shore and Eeast of Coxwell. For more information visit terryfoxrun.org.
Thank you for taking part!
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Apple picking!
Why not make a day of it and take the whole family apple picking? The apples are in season earlier this year then in the past. . We recommend calling first to make sure they are open and find out pricing as well. Also, once you have picked your apples ask the staff about best apple storing practices. Here is a list of orchards where you can pick your own:
Orchalaw Farm
9726 Heritage Rd. Brampton, ON
(905) 456-1879, http://www.orchalawfarms.com/
Pick your own September to October.
Applewood Farm Winery
12442 McCowan Rd., Stouffville, ON
(905) 642-4720, http://www.applewoodfarmwinery.com/
Pine Farm Orchards
2700 16th Sideroad, King City, ON
(905) 833-5459, http://www.pinefarmsorchard.com/
Country Apple Orchard
3105 16th Sideroad, King City, ON
(905) 833-3434 http://www.countryapple.ca/
Watson Farms
2287 Hwy # 2, Bowmanville,ON
(905) 623-9109, crop report number (905) 623-7252, www.watsonfarms.ca
Brooks Farms
122 Ashworth Rd., Mount Albert, ON
(905) 473-3920, http://www.brooksfarms.com/
Pick your own early September to mid October.
Albion Orchards
14800 Innis Lake Road, Caledon, ON
(905) 584-0354 or email http://www.albionorchards.com/
Archibalds Orchards & Estate Winery
6275 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville, ON
(905) 263-2396, http://www.archibaldswinery.com/
9528 Hwy 25, Halton Hills, ON
(905) 878-2725, http://www.chudleighs.com/
Dixie Orchards
14309 Dixie Road, Caledon, ON (1 km north of King Street)
(905) 838-5888, http://dixieorchards.com/
Green Acres Farm
9266 Heritage Rd., Toronto, ON (north of Steeles Ave.)
(905) 459-4458
The Big’r Apple Farm
87999 Heritage Road, Brampton, ON
(905) 455-8414, http://www.huttonville.com/bigrapplefarm/
Rae’s Farm
6082 8th Line, Hornby, ON
(905) 878-7708
Williams’ Orchard
10101 Hume Crt., Milton, ON
(905) 876-4220
Willis Family Fruit Farm
6063 Fifth Line Milton, ON (entrance on Britannia Rd., 3 km west of Trafalgar Rd.)
(905) 876-2606, http://www.willisfarm.com/main.cfm
Siloam Orchards
7300 3rd Concession Rd., Uxbridge, ON
(905) 852-9418, mail@siloamorchards.com
Pick your own September to mid-October
Tuesdays to Sunday open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Carl Laidlaw Orchards
9496 Heritage Rd., Brampton, ON
(905) 456-2095
Pick your own September to October/early November.
Daily 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Weekend Adult Admission: $2.50 (18 and under free)
Al Ferri and Sons Orchard/Country Apple Store
8605 Heritage Rd. Brampton, ON
(905) 455-8202. Pick your own
Daily 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Pingle’s Farm
1805 Taunton Rd. E., Hampton, ON
(905) 725-6089, www.pinglesfarmmarket.com
Pick your own September to October.
Daily from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Devins Orchards
14847 Warden Ave., Stouffville, ON
(905) 888-1637, www.devinsorchards.ca., info@devinsorchards.ca
Pick your own September 11 to October 11, October 16 to 17, October 23 to 24
Monday to Friday open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday open 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Monday, 12 September 2011
Central Eglinton Centre open house! Sept 13
This is a great opportunity to visit a community centre in your neighbourhood. Central Eglinton Community Centre open house where you can learn about programs and services for adults, kids of all ages and seniors and tour the facilities. 2-7 pm. Free. 160 Eglinton E, centraleglinton.com.
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