The following message was issued by Toronto Police 33 Division Crime Prevention Officer on May 9th. Since then, other homes on Langbourne, Duncairn, and Mallow have also been reported as being hit.
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*33 Division
*50 Upjohn Rd.,
Toronto,ON , M3B 2W1
Phone: 416-808-3300
*Break and Enters*
*A number of Break and Enters have occurred in 33 Division over the last week in the area of Don Mills and Lawrence. In particular, two entries and one attempt entry happened on Plateau Crescent, The Donway E and Foxden
Road. It is believed that the suspect is responsible for all three occurrences. The suspect is described as Male white, 40-50 years old, medium build, 200-220 lbs, 5'10-6'1 tall, wearing a red baseball cap and a red jacket. Home owners are reminded to report all suspicious behaviour to Police. When you are home alone and someone knocks on your door, do not ignore it. Do not open the door but acknowledge your presence so that any suspects casing your home will know you are there and they are likely to go a way. If you remain silent like one homeowner did in the Don Mills area, the suspect will feel confident that no one is home after knocking several times and may attempt to break in.
Here are several tips to use if you are in a similar situation:
- tell the person at the door that you are getting another individual to
answer the door (indicates that more people are at home).
- tell the person you have to put away your dog, or
- tell the person you are on the phone.*
Be safe out there!