Take a look at events happening around the City this Friday!
CANADA DAY AT FORT YORK Kids' musician Chris Mckhool, aboriginal storytelling, artillery drills, a walking tour and more. Noon-5 pm. Free. Fort York, Garrison off Fleet, 416-392-6907.
CANADA DAY AT QUEEN'S PARK Live music, strolling performers, rock climbing, golf skills challenges, carnival rides and more. 10:30 am-5 pm. Free. Queen's Park, University N of College.
CANADA DAY IN MISSISSAUGA Performances by these Kids Wear Crowns, Fefe Dobson and others, fireworks and more. 1-10:30 pm. Free. Mississauga Celebration Square, 201 City Centre, mississaugacelebrationsquare.ca.
EAST YORK CANADA DAY A midway, parade, entertainment, fireworks and more. 9 am-11 pm. Free. Stan Wadlow Park, Woodbine and O'Connor, 416-238-9913.
LA FETE DU CANADA DAY Multicultural celebration with First Nations performance, a Bollywood dance party (7 pm), international dance groups and more. Noon-10 pm. Free. Yonge Dundas Square, ydsquare.ca.
TD CANADA TRUST JAZZ FESTIVAL Shops at Don Mills, in partnership with Mercedes-Benz Midtown, presents the 2011 TD Canada Trust Toronto Jazz Festival at the Shops at Don Mills.
Have a Happy & Safe Canada Day!
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