We recently received a communication from Terry West, the President of the Don Mills Residents Inc. (DMRI) regarding Phase 2 of Shops at Don Mills development that we would like to pass on to you:
Dear Don Mills Resident,
As you are aware the DMRI has been negotiating for many years with Cadillac Fairview regarding their proposals for the addition of residential units to the Don Mills site. This is Phase Two of the redevelopment and we had reached agreement some years ago on the number of units, density, layout and maximum heights. As part of this agreement Cadillac Fairview had agreed to provide a Community Centre on the site that will include a full size swimming pool. The details of this agreement were circulated to the whole community and were overwhelmingly endorsed at that time by nearly 90% of those who replied to a questionnaire.
Unfortunately, City planning staff are recommending that the current Cadillac Fairview application not be accepted, citing a number of issues, including the amount of designated land for parkland or recreational use to be given to the City (it would be less than that required under the current bylaw), the height of the proposed buildings along the Donway West, and the overall density of the proposal. Cadillac Fairview have indicated that they are prepared to meet the requirements of the designated parkland bylaw and in addition have offered a commitment of $17 million in 2010 funds for the construction of a Community Centre of approximately 50,000 square feet. Should this offer not be accepted by Community Council, the commitment of the $17 million would no longer apply and the application will proceed to the Ontario Municipal Board.
The OMB does not have the power to require Cadillac Fairview to build a Community Centre. Our own experience and the advice of our legal Council suggests that the OMB will accept the Phase Two application as requested, particularly as the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) has to follow Provincial Guidelines that currently call for increased density within designated urban areas, which would apply to Don Mills. The proposed heights and densities are considerably lower than those being agreed upon for neighbouring communities in Toronto. The acceptance of the Phase Two application will at this time guarantee the funds for a Community Centre in Don Mills. The DMRI strongly believes, with the current financial crisis facing the City, that if this opportunity is missed that such a facility may never be built.
It is therefore critical that as many members of the community as possible attend the Community Council meeting to show support for the application. As the full support of our three councillors is required we are also asking that you phone or email your Councillor indicating your support and asking them to vote in favour of the application. The contact information can be found below. Should the application be approved at this meeting it will allow construction to proceed of the proposed buildings along The Donway West, between the Post Office and 75 The Donway. The location of the other buildings could be changed following a decision on the future of the Don Mills Arena. The DMRI is committed to working with Civitan to fully explore all possibilities of keeping the Civitan Hockey programme within Don Mills, preferably within the Don Mills Centre site.
The Community Council Meeting will be held at the North York Civic Centre, 5100 Yonge Street, North York this coming Tuesday, September 15th. The meeting will start at 2:30 pm. Parking facilities are available behind the Civic Centre on the west side of Beecroft Road as well as on Beecroft Road itself.
The DMRI has chartered a bus to take residents to the meeting who do not have a car or who prefer not to drive. It will leave the parking lot next to the Post Office and behind McNally Robinson Booksellers at approximately 1:30 pm but will be available from 1:00 pm. It will return after the item has been dealt with at Community Council.
Please contact your local Councillor and ask for their support!
Cliff Jenkins - 416 395 0374 - councillor_jenkins@toronto.ca
Denzil Minnan-Wong - 416 397 9256 - councillor_minnan-wong@toronto.ca
John Parker - 416 392 0215 - councillor_parker@toronto.ca
Thank you.
Terry West
President, DMRI
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