Don't forget to move your clocks back 1 hour before you go to sleep Saturday, October 31, 2009!!
Saturday, 31 October 2009Fall back on Saturday night!Don't forget to move your clocks back 1 hour before you go to sleep Saturday, October 31, 2009!! Karen Thursday, 29 October 2009Car for sale!For Sale: Sweet 1993 Mark VIII in China Blue with V8 engine, leather interior, cassette player, bra and cover too. Never driven in winter weather! Just over 75,000 kms on it. Asking $6,000. Please contact Janice at Tuesday, 27 October 20092nd annual pumpkin giveaway & food drive!A great big thank you to everyone who came out and supported us this weekend at our pumpkin giveaway & food drive for the Community Share Food Bank in Don Mills (CSFB). The CSFB services the following areas: Hwy 401-Eglinton Ave East; Victoria Park-Bayview Avenue. It is located at 33 Overland Drive (Don Mills/Lawrence). This year we doubled the amount of food donated to the Food Bank. Stay tuned for next year's event (second week of October 2010)! Here are some pictures from the Pumpkin Patch: Monday, 26 October 2009Distracted driving law starts Monday, Oct. 26 2009!Here are the rules: As of October 26, 2009, Ontario's new distracted driving law will make it illegal for motorists to use hand-held wireless communication devices or any hand-held electronic entertainment devices while driving. This includes hand-held cell phones, texting and e-mailing. Hands-free devices will still be permitted. This new law also prohibits viewing a display screen unrelated to the driving task such as laptops or DVD players while driving. HANDS-FREE DEVICES The new law applies only to hand-held wireless communications and hand-held electronic entertainment devices. This means drivers must only use wireless devices that can be used in a "hands-free" manner: 1. a cell phone with an earpiece or headset using voice dialling, or plugged into the vehicle's sound system a global positioning system (GPS) device that is properly secured to the dashboard or another accessible place in the vehicle 2. a portable audio player that has been plugged into the vehicle's sound system. Some wireless devices require that users push a button to activate and/or deactivate the device's "hands-free" function. This activity is permitted under the law. HAND-HELD DEVICES All drivers Drivers will not be permitted to use hand-held communication and entertainment devices when driving, with the following exceptions: 1. Calling 9-1-1 in an emergency situation 2. When the driver has safely pulled off the roadway and is stationary or is lawfully parked. Other devices not included in the ban: 1. Viewing a display screen used for collision avoidance systems 2. Viewing a display screen of an instrument, gauge or system that provides information to the driver about the status of systems in the motor vehicle. 3. Emergency Response Personnel Police, fire department and emergency medical services personnel will be permitted to use hand-held wireless communications devices and view display screens in the normal performance of their duties. The use of hand-held radios by amateur radio operators (who provide assistance, especially in emergency situations such as severe storms and blackouts) will be phased out within three years, to allow hands-free technologies to be developed. Commercial Drivers A small percentage of drivers in transport-related industries (e.g., school buses, taxis, couriers) and public service workers (e.g., transit and highway maintenance workers) rely on the use of certain types of wireless devices and display screen technologies in the performance of day-to-day operations. To help these businesses stay competitive, Ontario is granting a three-year phase-out period for the commercial use of two-way radios, including mobile and CB radios, to allow for hands-free technologies to be developed. The new law will not affect mobile data terminals, logistical tracking devices and dispatching devices. They will be exempt for commercial and public service vehicle drivers who are engaged in the performance of their duties. Hand-mikes (push-to-talk systems) and portable radios (walkie-talkies) may be used in a hands-free mode. This would mean the driver can use a lapel button or other hands-free application as long as the hand-mike or walkie-talkies is not held while driving. To view the Ontario Regulations click: Enjoy! Karen Sunday, 25 October 2009New citywide walking map!This just in: The City of Toronto has published a wonderful updated map that shows parks & walking trails. The map can be found on the City of Toronto website however I found it slow to download and difficult to read even with zooming in. It's a great idea though and nice to have on hand. To download the map go to: OR: Pick up the map at City Hall or the following Civic Centres: East York, Etobicoke, North York & Scarborough. Call Access Toronto at 416-338-0338 for centre locations. OR: For map mailout, call 416-392-1111 (ext.5). They also have a map for attractions on foot and cycling maps. Enjoy! Karen Saturday, 24 October 2009What is your carbon footprint?Live Green Toronto has teamed up with Zerofootprint Toronto to help people figure out what their carbon footprint is and what they can do to reduce it. Test yourself at: Let's do what we can! Karen Thursday, 22 October 2009Wednesday, 21 October 2009New listings & open houses!Come and take a look at these beauties: 39 Valentine Drive $799,900 Don Mills/York Mills Oct. 24/25 2pm-4pm (link to pictures & listing to follow) 34 Groveland Cres. $698,800 Don Mills/York Mills Oct. 25 2pm-4pm 3 Farmcote Rd. $569,900 Don Mills/York Mills Oct. 24/25 2pm-4pm 8 Ethelwin Ave. $549,900 Danforth/Woodbine By appointment 7 Sundial Cres. $499,900 Victoria Village Oct. 24/25 2pm-4pm 66 Mortimer Cres. $499,900 Elizabeth/Hwy 2 Oct.24/25 2pm-4pm Enjoy! Karen Sunday, 18 October 2009Planet in focus: international film festival!Planet in focus: international film festival! When: October 21 to 25 For the 10th year running, this 5-day festival screens inspirational and creative films that use video as a medium for exploring social, environmental and ecological issues. Filmmakers include Canadian and International visionaries who view their works as a catalyst for awareness and action and present their work from a diverse array of perspectives. For more information vist Knowledge is power! Karen Saturday, 17 October 2009New listing in historic Pickering Village location!We invite you to come and view our new listing at 66 Mortimer Crescent October 18 from 2pm-4pm. It is only 20 minutes from the DVP and steps to great schools, walking trails and the Lake! Enjoy! Karen Thursday, 15 October 2009Yard sale! Great finds & good deals!Come on over to 93 Three Valleys Drive for a huge yard sale this Saturday October 17, 2009 from 8am to noon! See you there! Karen Wednesday, 14 October 2009Free pumpkins with donation of non-parishable food items!Please join us at 200 Three Valleys Drive October 23, 2009 from 3pm-6pm. Rain or shine the Millar Team will be giving away free pumpkins with your donation of a non-perishable food item. All non-perishable donations will be given to the Harvest Food Bank. Tuesday, 13 October 2009New listings & open housesWe invite you to come and take a look at our new listings: Open Houses Oct 14, 11:30am-1pm & Oct 17 & 18 2pm-4pm $698,800 34 Groveland Crescent $628,800 1 Shouldice Court >$549,900 8 Ethelwin Avenue Yonge & Lawrence 5th annual artwalk!Looking to take a walk in the brisk fall air? Why not look at some beautiful art along the way. Check out the Yonge & Lawrence artwalk! Presented by: Yonge Lawrence BIA Cost: Free Come and "walk the ARTWALK" in the Yonge and Lawrence area (uptown Toronto). Over 50 local artists team up with local businesses in a unique and non-traditional art exhibition. Event is free and suitable for all ages. This event also supports the North York Harvest Food Bank. Donations will be accepted at the Yonge and Lawrence Fire Station. visit and dont' forget to vote for your favourite art display "People's Choice Award" For more information contact: Phone: 416-657-4313 Address: Along Yonge Street North of Lawrence Avenue up to Yonge Boulevard TTC: Exit Lawrence Subway Station email: Monday, 12 October 2009imagineNATIVE film & media arts festival!There are always lots of events going on in and around Toronto. Check this one out: Presented by: Centre for Aboriginal Media Starts: October 14, 2009 01:00 PM Ends: October 18, 2009 11:59 PM The 10th annual imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival is an international festival that celebrates the latest works by Indigenous peoples on the forefront of innovation in film, video, radio, and new media. Each fall, the festival presents a selection of the most compelling, distinctive Indigenous works from around the globe, illustrating the vitality and excellence of our art and culture in contemporary media. imagineNATIVE is the largest festival of its kind in Canada, and in the world. Tickets - $7 Pass $100/$60(student/senior) Workshops FREE For more information contact: Phone: 416 585 2333 Address: imagineNATIVE takes place in various venues in downtown Toronto. Its main venue is the Al Green Theatre at Spadina Avenue and Bloor Steet West. TTC: For the Al Green Theatre, exit Spadina subway station. email: Enjoy! Karen Friday, 9 October 2009Have a great long weekend!Happy Thankgsgiving! Here are some games you can play with the whole family this weekend: Enjoy! Karen Game 1: "Thankerchief" Arrange the children/players in a circle. Pass a "thankerchief" (handkerchief) around the circle, as everyone recites this poem: "Thankerchief, thankerchief, around you go -- Where you'll stop, nobody knows. But when you do, someone must say, What they are thankful for this day." The player holding the "thankerchief" when the poem ends, must say aloud, one thing for which they are thankful. This continues until everyone has had their turn. Game 2: "Bird, Beast, or Fish" You have to think fast for this game. Everyone sits facing the leader. The leader points to one of the players and says either "BIRD," "BEAST," or "FISH." The chosen player must come up with the name of an animal that fits the category before the leader counts to ten. No repeating! If the player does not respond in time, she is out. The game continues until only one player remains. As you can guess, after a few rounds it can be hard to think of an animal that has not already been mentioned! Game 3: "Pumpkin Race" A Traditional county fair game that can be played in a yard, garage or even inside! This is a simple race but since pumpkins are not nice smooth balls and refuse to roll in nice straight lines, you will need plenty of room! You need two large pumpkins and two sturdy sticks. The racers, line up on the starting line with the pumpkins turned on their sides. On the signal, the racers use their sticks to roll the pumpkins to the finish line. Younger players may want to use their hands instead of the stick. If you want to play this as teams, make it a relay race. Game 4: "Cornucopia Confusion" all of the players will sit on chairs forming a circle. There should be one more player than there are chairs. The player without a chair is the leader. The leader points to each of the players naming them as she points with cornucopia names such as "Cranberry, Corn, Apple, Turkey," anything related to Thanksgiving. After names are chosen, the leader calls out two names, for instance... "Turkey and potato!". When she calls the names , those two players must quickly switch places. The leader keeps calling at a quick pace, until suddenly she says "The cornucopia has tipped over!" Everyone, including the leader, then scrambles for a new place. The player with out a seat, becomes the new leader. The leader may give the same name to more than one person. This game can be confusing at first, but it is also very fun! Tuesday, 6 October 2009Antique show at Bayview Village!We invite you to read the letter below that was sent to us from our client Jane Vining and to check out her beautiful antique jewlery on October 12 2009 at Bayview Village: Hello Friends, The launch of has been a great success and I thank you all for your kind comments and support. We are now loading beautiful new pieces every week and I look forward to your emails and inquiries. Currently we are preparing for the Bayview Village Show on October 12. Following that, I will be in Stratford and Ottawa, and then at the Royal Winter Fair in early November. I hope to see you at one of these excellent events. Finally, I want to let you know that I plan to send Vining Antiques updates approximately every six weeks, so please check the website for the latest information. In the meantime, feel free to contact me anytime at Enjoy the Antique Show! Karen PS-the mall will be closed for retail shopping but open for the antique show Sunday, 4 October 2009No community centre in the Shops at Don Mills!
Please read the below letter from Terry West, President of the Don Mills Residents Inc. (DMRI)
"As many of you will have learnt from the Press, the application for the re-development of the Don Mills Centre (DMC) site was refused last night by City Council, on a very narrow vote of just 17 to 16. As expected, Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong voted against the application and effectively killed a Community Centre for our community. This is obviously a great disappointment to us all and will be especially hard on our youth, young families and seniors, who now will have no public facility in which to socialize or exercise. The pool would have been the greatest asset, in particular the therapeutic pool that would have been available for seniors aquafit programmes and teaching infants to swim. I would like to say a great THANK YOU to everyone who supported our efforts, although we will never know the numbers it must have been in the 100’s. It has been pretty obvious from the beginning that the City Planning Department has its own agenda which they put before the wishes of our community. We can rest assured that this will not be the last development proposal to come our way but unfortunately the offer of a community centre will very unlikely come again. The application will now go to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) and although it’s impossible to forecast any OMB decision, our legal counsel say it is very likely that this application will be approved. We understand that this is also the opinion of the City lawyer, which makes the Council decision so much harder to understand. The result of the OMB hearing will not be known until next summer. In the meantime, we will continue to assist Civitan in their efforts to renew the Don Mills Arena and remain committed to keeping Don Mills the best community in the City in which to live. Terry West President" Thanksgiving fun for the whole familyWe invite you to come out and have some family fun! Where? The shops at Don Mills town square. When? Saturday, October 10, 2009 to Sunday, October 11, 2009 12pm - 4pm. The word on the street is that they will have a bouncing castle and jumbo obstacle course! Enjoy! Karen Friday, 2 October 2009Millar Team draw!Attention all shoppers!! Enter to win a $100 Cadillac Fairview gift certificate courtesy of the Millar Team. Simply go to our website contest page to enter. Good luck! Karen
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